Fall in Love with your Small Business

I’m just gonna say it, sometimes you need to look at your business as you would a potential date. What kind of date do you have? Is it love at first sight or is it a fixer-upper?

Maybe you’re going on that first date and putting your best foot forward. But... you gotta ask “What’s lurking underneath?” What are the parts you’re trying to hide that may come back to bite you later?

Or, are you looking at your date with rose-coloured glasses? Only seeing the parts that you want to see and maybe turning a blind eye to those less desirable parts *cough taxes cough*.

How about when things just click? You like the same things, want the same things, make each other laugh, spend every moment together, naming your kids 😍😍😍😍.

And let’s not forget that good night kiss. Sometimes it’s magical and sparks fly ✨…

…sometimes it’s sloppy and off-putting 😬.

Whatever situationship you are in, just remember. It’s important to woo your business. Put your best foot forward, really spend time getting to know it and figure out what it needs.

Happy love day y’all 💖


Kim Cota

I’m a small business strategist and I help you make things happen. I do that through a combination of streamlining your business strategy, coaching, and planning that makes sense for you. I work primarily with creative humans who thrive on flexibility but need a titch more structure.


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