You’ve got pep in your step, how about PIP in your business?

Alright Kim, what the heck is a PIP in your business? 

Well, let me tell you. It’s a little acronym I made up that means purposeful intentional pace. Essentially it’s all about having intentional, meaningful, and sustainable business strategies for you and your business. 

It means moving at a pace that is right for you, your business, and your needs at any particular time. Sounds cool right? But what does that mean in practicality?

Factors that impact your PIP

Pace changes based on many factors. Here are some factors that may impact your purposeful intentional pace, in no particular order.

  • Things that matter to you - the things that matter to you as a person, who you are, your relationships, interests, passions. Sometimes these take priority so your business pace may slow down, and that is okay! Does the current way you run your business allow for indulgence in the things that matter to you without feeling guilty that it’s not productive?

  • Deliberate choices - the things we consciously and conscientiously choose according to the criteria that matter to us. Our deliberate choices can be a real pace setter - they drive how fast or slowly we will move towards something. And remember, choices are never fixed, you can change your mind whenever you want and adjust your pace accordingly.

  • Work-Life Balance - first, I feel I have to say that balance is never really balanced. It’s more about the right balance for you, your business, or a particular moment in time. We also often think of this as one taking away from the other, but really what you want to consider is that there will be times when you need to lean a little more to the work side, and other times where you need to lean to the life side (and all the levels in between).

  • Enjoyment - Enjoyment and excitement is one of those things that naturally will speed up your pace, this is a fun space to be. Lean into this natural motivator, but also, be mindful that the pace you set is not burning through all of your energy (this is why runners have a pacesetter). Let’s consider the opposite as well - there are times in running a business that are not enjoyable - dare I say boring. These are the moments where you need to set that deliberate pace that is consistently moving you through the thing that is bringing you less enjoyment. It has to get done.

  • Self-care - this can be physical, mental, or emotional. Because you are your most important business asset, you need to be sure that you are caring for that asset and adjusting your pace accordingly. 

  • The Big Picture - there’s a common saying of “not seeing the forest for the trees.” Basically meaning that we can get so caught up in the things that are right in front of us, that we forget to take a step back and see the whole of what we are working towards. When it comes to pace, it is important to not just be guided by what is in front of you, but also what your big picture is.

I talk more about how to find your PIP (Personal Intentional Pace) in this blog, where I share 4 key areas that can help you set your pace.

Things come up from one day to the next that can impact your pace, the key is to come back to yourself and purposefully set a pace for yourself that is in alignment with your wants, needs, and goals.

Part of my role as a small business strategist and coach is to help you maintain your Purposeful Intentional Pace. You can find out more about my coaching services here.

Kim Cota

I’m a small business strategist and I help you make things happen. I do that through a combination of streamlining your business strategy, coaching, and planning that makes sense for you. I work primarily with creative humans who thrive on flexibility but need a titch more structure.

Purposeful Intentional Pace in Business: It’s about more than speed


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